*Provides a physicochemical treatment of reaction kinetics from a single theoretical viewpoint.
*Addressed to researchers, engineers, post-graduates and students: physical, inorganic and solid-state chemists, metal and solid-state physicists, materials and corrosion scientists, metallurgists and other scientific workers, who are involved into the investigation of compound-layer formation at the interface between reacting phases in heterogeneous systems of whatever chemical nature.
*Print version: ISBN 978-966-02-6761-9, IPMS Publications, Kyiv, 2013. Softcover, 145x210 mm, 398 pages, 134 figures, 45 tables, 532 references. Available on personal inqueries. For more detail, please do not hesitate to contact vdybkov@ukr.net.
*Online version: ISBN 978-966-02-6762-6, IPMS Publications, Kyiv, 2013.